A photo of Benjamin Kerrey.

Benjamin T. Kerrey, MD

  • Attending Physician, Division of Emergency Medicine
  • Medical Director, Burnet Campus, Division of Emergency Medicine
  • Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics



In my research, I am primarily attempting to optimize care in the resuscitation area of the pediatric emergency department. Research areas I am specifically interested in and pursue include pediatric airway management, improvement of care for high acuity but low-frequency pediatric emergencies, video review and continuous vital signs for data collection during pediatric resuscitation.

My colleagues and I are looking to enhance systems of care in pediatric emergency settings when medical knowledge or clinical experience by itself is inadequate. I first became interested in this research due to my clinical training and skills and my motivation to provide the best care possible.

The group I work with, the Medical Resuscitation Committee, was created in 2007. It has become a nationally recognized leader in treating pediatric patients with high acuity and low-frequency conditions.

As a child, I was often a patient with great doctors. I enjoy Pediatric Emergency Medicine and the diversity of patients. This specialty provides me the opportunity to care for children and their families during some of their most challenging times.

During my career, my research has been published in respected journals such as the Annals of Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Care, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, and Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.

MD: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 2002.

Residency: Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, 2005.

Fellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Cincinnati Children's, Cincinnati, OH, 2008.

Certification: Pediatrics 2003; Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2009.


Acute and chronic anemia; pediatric radiology

Services and Specialties

Emergency Medicine


Ultrasound in pediatric emergency medicine

Research Areas

Emergency Medicine

Additional Languages

French, Spanish


The Effect of Step Stool Use on Chest Compression Quality During CPR in Young Children: Findings From the Videography in Pediatric Emergency Research (VIPER) Collaborative. Dutta, AK; Donoghue, A; Sandler, A; Ahmed, R; Neubrand, T; Kerrey, B; Myers, S; O'Connell, KJ. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2024; 40:844-849.

Video-Based Study of the Progression of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows' Tracheal Intubation Performance During Training. Thomas, P; Kerrey, B; Edmunds, K; Dean, P; Frey, M; Boyd, S; Geis, G; Ahaus, K; Zhang, Y; Sobolewski, B. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2024; 40:761-765.

Usability Testing Via Simulation: Optimizing the NEAR4PEM Preintubation Checklist With a Human Factors Approach. Wing, R; Goldman, MP; Prieto, MM; Miller, KA; Baluyot, M; Tay, KY; Bharath, A; Patel, D; Greenwald, E; Larsen, EP; Polikoff, LA; Kerrey, BT; Nishisaki, A; Nagler, J. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2024; 40:575-581.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Low-Value Testing and Treatment of Bronchiolitis. Labudde, EJ; Walsh, PS; Lipshaw, MJ; Kerrey, BT. Hospital Pediatrics. 2024; 14:e299-e303.

Challenges in the Design of Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Trials. Gausche-Hill, M; Kerrey, BT. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2024; 83:196-197.

Structured Callouts, the Shared Mental Model, and Teamwork: A Video-Based Study in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Wolfgang, M; Labudde, EJ; Ruff, K; Geis, G; Frey, M; Boyd, S; Harun, N; Kerrey, BT. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2024; 40:203-207.

Rapid cycle deliberate practice to improve airway skills and performance of trainees in a pediatric emergency department. Edmunds, KJ; Shah, A; Geis, GL; Kerrey, BT; Klein, G; DeBra, R; Zhang, Y; Ahaus, K; Boyd, S; Thomas, P; Dean, P. AEM Education and Training. 2024; 8.

Abstract 274: Association of Tracheal Intubation Associated Interruptions in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Chest Compression Fraction During Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: A Report From the Videography in Pediatric Resuscitation Collaborative. Donoghue, A; Neubrand, T; Myers, S; Kerrey, B; O'Connell, K. Circulation. 2023; 148:a274.

Abstract 382: The Effect of Stepstool Use on Chest Compression Quality During CPR in Young Children: Findings From the Videography in Pediatric Emergency Research (VIPER) Collaborative. O'Connell, KJ; Dutta, A; Sandler, A; Kerrey, B; Myers, S; Neubrand, T; Donoghue, A. Circulation. 2023; 148:a382.

Association between the presence of an advanced airway and ventilation rate during pediatric CPR: A report from the Videography in Pediatric Resuscitation (VIPER) collaborative. O'Connell, KJ; Dutta, A; Myers, S; Neubrand, T; Sandler, A; Keane, R; Kerrey, B; Donoghue, A. Resuscitation. 2023; 191:109923.

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