As a biostatistician, epidemiologist and geospatial data scientist, I specialize in informatics and machine learning, with applications to population-level environmental, community and health outcome data.
I have been a researcher for more than eight years and began working at Cincinnati Children’s in 2016.
BS: Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2010.
PhD: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2016.
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, 2017.
Developing new methods and technologies to support environmental and population health research; tools for geocoding and geomarker assessment; high resolution spatiotemporal exposure assessment models; causal inference machine learning methods; roles of environmental exposures; community characteristics on pediatric psychiatric health; electronic health records, observational cohort studies, clinical registries, and vital records.
Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Do area- and individual-level sociodemographic characteristics modify the association of air pollution with incident asthma in the ECHO program?. ISEE Conference Abstracts. 2024; 2024.
Particulate Matter Exposure and Default Mode Network Equilibrium During Early Adolescence. Brain Connectivity. 2024; 14:307-318.
Development of a multimodal geomarker pipeline to assess the impact of social, economic, and environmental factors on pediatric health outcomes. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2024; 31:1471-1478.
The Role of Environmental Exposures on Survival Following Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Resection. 2024.
Evaluating precision medicine tools in cystic fibrosis for racial and ethnic fairness. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2024; 8:e94.
Causal Mediation of Neighborhood-Level Pediatric Hospitalization Inequities. Pediatrics. 2024; 153.
Social determinants of health predict health outcomes following pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024; 71:e30892.
Early-Life Exposure to Air Pollution and Childhood Asthma Cumulative Incidence in the ECHO CREW Consortium. JAMA network open. 2024; 7:e240535.
Social-environmental phenotypes of rapid cystic fibrosis lung disease progression in adolescents and young adults living in the United States. Environmental Advances. 2023; 14.
Report-Back of Personal Air Sampling Results and Study Participants' Perceived Knowledge, Attitudes, and Awareness of Air Pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2023; 131:117702.
Cole Brokamp, PhD, Assem G. Ziady, PhD ...5/17/2021
Cole Brokamp, PhD, Nicholas Newman, DO, MS, FAAP ...3/24/2021