Awais Ashfaq

Awais Ashfaq, MD, FACC, FACS

  • Congenital Cardiac Surgeon, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Assistant Professor, UC Department of Surgery
Combining care coordination, integrated care and attention to detail are hallmarks of my practice.
Awais Ashfaq, MD, FACC, FACS



I’m a pediatric cardiac surgeon specializing in heart failure, aortic valve problems and single ventricle patients. Combining care coordination, integrated care and attention to detail are hallmarks of my practice. I am honored to work with an upstanding talented group of individuals.

Great mentors and role models influenced my interest in medicine and cardiac surgery. I enjoy making a difference in someone’s life at an early age. I am also intrigued by the variations in pathologies that I see.

I like combining critical and artistic thinking as part of my patient approach. I respect the family’s needs and values and encourage open communication and knowledge-sharing for patient and family education.

As a researcher, I aim to discover innovative ways to utilize organs or parts of organs for transplant and improve and optimize approaches to aortic valve repair.

I am honored to have received the Vivien Thomas Early Career Investigator Award from the American Heart Association (2021) and the Mayo Brothers Distinguished Fellowship Award from the American Association of Thoracic Surgery.

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my wife and two kids. When not with family, I like to watch Cricket and read biographies about founders and inventors.

MD: Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan, 2011.

Residency: General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, 2017.

Fellowship: Cardiothoracic Surgery, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, 2019.

Fellowship: Congenital Cardiac Surgery, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, 2020.


Neonatal cardiac surgery; heart failure and transplantation; aortic valve repair

Services and Specialties

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Heart, Heart Failure and Transplant Program


Ex-vivo perfusion; partial heart transplant

Research Areas

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Heart

Insurance Information

Cincinnati Children's strives to accept a wide variety of health plans. Please contact your health insurance carrier to verify coverage for your specific benefit plan.

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The majority of pediatric Fontan patients have excellent post-transplant survival. Kulshrestha, K; Greenberg, JW; Kennedy, JT; Hogue, S; Winlaw, DS; Ashfaq, A; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:2193-2203.

(527) Impact of Citizenship Status on Waitlist and Post Heart Transplantation Outcomes in Pediatrics. Ahmed, HF; Ramineni, A; Kulshrestha, K; Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Hogue, S; Chin, C; Ashfaq, A; Morales, D. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s260.

(209) Outcomes in Donation After Circulatory Death Pediatric Lung Transplants: An Analysis of the ISHLT Registry. Ahmed, H; Hogue, S; Kulshrestha, K; Hossain, M; Zhang, Y; Ashfaq, A; Morales, D; Hayes, D. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s112-s113.

(1248) Has Long-Term Survival in Pediatric Heart Transplantation Changed over Time?. Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Kulshrestha, K; Ahmed, H; Ramineni, A; Chin, C; Hogue, S; Stark, S; Ashfaq, A; Morales, D. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s578.

(293) Pediatric Heart Transplantation Using Donation After Circulatory Death: An Analysis of the ISHLT Registry. Ahmed, HF; Faateh, M; Mehdizadeh-Shrifi, A; Kulshrestha, K; Hossain, M; Zhang, Y; Ryan, T; Hayes, D; Lehenbauer, D; Morales, D; Ashfaq, A. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s151-s152.

(294) How Could DCD Heart Donation Affect Organ Availability for Congenital Heart Programs?. Cheon, S; Kulshrestha, K; Ahmed, HF; Mantell, BS; Chin, C; Morales, D; Ashfaq, A. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:s152-s153.

Donation after circulatory death significantly reduces waitlist times while not changing post-heart transplant outcomes: A United Network for Organ Sharing Analysis. Ahmed, HF; Kulshrestha, K; Kennedy, JT; Gomez-Guzman, A; Greenberg, JW; Hossain, MM; Zhang, Y; D'Alessandro, DA; John, R; Moazami, N; Chin, C; Ashfaq, A; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:461-470.

National experience with pediatric surgical aortic valve repair: A Pediatric Health Information System analysis. Kulshrestha, K; Greenberg, JW; Kennedy, JT; Hogue, S; Zafar, F; Lehenbauer, D; Winlaw, DS; Quintessenza, JA; Morales, DL S; Ashfaq, A. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024; 167:422-430.

Reality of DCD donor use in pediatric thoracic transplantation in the United States. Ahmed, HF; Guzman-Gomez, A; Kulshrestha, K; Kantemneni, EC; Chin, C; Ashfaq, A; Zafar, F; Morales, DL S. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2024; 43:32-35.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Alsaied, T; Ashfaq, A; Tretter, JT; Tweddell, JS. Pediatric Cardiology. : Springer Nature; Springer Nature; 2024.

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