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A photo of the first scientific advisory committee.

Josef Warkany, MD, Human Genetics; Ashley Weech, MD, pediatric chair; Albert Sabin, MD, Virology; Frederic Silverman, MD, Radiology; Robert Lyon, MD, Community Pediatrics; Clark West, MD, Nephrology; Benjamin Landing, MD, Pathology; Eugene Lahey, MD, Hematology/Oncology

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The Scientific Advisory Committee in New York recommends that Cincinnati Children’s invest in the study of viruses, thus heralding a “Golden Age” of discovery and innovation for our institution. The feats of this investigational dream team will revolutionize pediatric care: Josef Warkany, MD, Human Genetics; Albert Sabin, MD, Virology; Clark West, MD, Nephrology; Fred Silverman, MD, Radiology; and Samuel Kaplan, MD, Cardiology.

In later years, as renovations took place, some of these decorative features were covered over, only to be rediscovered later.

In later years, as renovations took place, some of these decorative features were covered over, only to be rediscovered later.

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The first floor of Location R (the old research foundation building) once housed Cincinnati Children’s outpatient clinic. It featured an Alice in Wonderland-themed water fountain made by Rookwood Pottery. The tile mural above the basin depicted Alice and the White Rabbit. Tiles below the basin showed silhouettes of additional characters from the story.

Research Foundation Building

Opened in 1931, Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation became the first pediatric hospital in the country to have a center dedicated solely to research. It was so momentous that U.S. President Herbert Hoover sent a telegram congratulating us.

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Cincinnati Children’s newly inaugurated Research Foundation is the first in the country with a pediatric focus. Endowed in 1928 by William Cooper Procter with a $2.5 million gift (over $40 million in 2020 dollars) and a mandate that all proceeds be reinvested in research, the stage is set for Cincinnati Children’s long and storied tradition of intradisciplinary research collaboration and unrelenting focus on curing childhood diseases.

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Under A. Graeme Mitchell, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital becomes the third hospital in the nation to employ staff to specifically attend to the psychosocial and emotional needs of young children. At this time, the Child Life program consists of four staff members. By the 1960s, a director, a librarian, two assistants and a group of volunteers join the staff. By the late 1990s, the program grows to include more than 40 paid employees. Today, the Child Life and Integrative Care Division has more than 125 staff serving just over 100,000 patient touchpoints annually. The division has evolved over the years to become an industry standard of care, incorporating the collective professional expertise in Child Life and Integrative Healthcare—including nursing, licensed massage therapy, music and art therapy and therapeutic recreation. Our division staff work at Burnet, College Hill, Liberty, StarShine and Green Township, serving all levels of care including homecare, inpatient, outpatient and the Emergency Department. Comprehensive services include special programming such as the Adaptive Care Team, Facility Dogs and Seacrest Studios.