Experts in Pathological Evaluation
The Division of Pathology provides diagnostic services to Cincinnati Children's and beyond, including the pathological evaluation of all biopsy material (surgical pathology) and autopsies.
We have state-of-the-art resources including electron microscopy, laser capture microdissection, next-gen sequencing and clinical and research laboratories for the study of childhood disease. Areas of special expertise include:
- Histopathology
- Cytopathology
- Neuromuscular Pathology
- Hematopathology
- Nephropathology
- Neuropathology
- Gastrointestinal Pathology
- Placental and Fetal Pathology
- Electron Microscopy
- Mass Spectrometry
- Molecular and Genomic Pathology Services (MGPS) – Infectious Disease Testing
- Molecular and Genomic Pathology Services (MGPS) – Cancer Sequencing (NGS)
- Tissue BioBanking
To speak with a physician or consult about a patient, call 513-636-4261.
Why Choose Us?
We provide a full service anatomic diagnostic pathology evaluation of patient biopsies utilizing the following resources:
- Full staff of board-certified pediatric pathology specialists
- Fully operational histology lab for processing all routine biopsy specimens
- A full range of highly specialized histologic technology including special histochemical stains, immunohistochemical stains, molecular technology and electron microscopy
We also provide a broad range of clinical pathology procedures including collection procedures, instrumentation and methodologies oriented to children's needs.