Bench-to-Bedside Research in Pediatric Digestive Disease

The Digestive Health Center (DHC) is one of only 17 Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (DDRCC) in the nation supported by the National Institutes of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The Cincinnati DHC was established as a NIDDK funded Digestive Diseases Research Development Center in 2003 and became a NIDDK funded DDRCC center in 2007. The Digestive Health Center, located within Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, serves as a University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center resource that has attracted new investigators to foster pediatric digestive disease research and make significant discoveries to restore digestive health.
Director: Lee A. "Ted" Denson, MD
Associate Directors:
Theresa Alenghat, VMD, PhD
Alexander Miethke, MD
Nicholas J. Ollberding, PhD
Related ResourcesSilvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (DDRCC) |
National Institutes of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) |
Center Manager:
Cynthia C. Wetzel, PhD
Remember to acknowledge the use of the core facility in all publications by stating:
“This project was supported in part by NIH P30 DK078392 (insert name of core service
that you used) of the Digestive Diseases Research Core Center in Cincinnati.”